2-day Brainspotting Immersion
Quantum Breakthrough Experience
Take a break from client work to explore possibilities with other like-minded healers. We will co-create individual and collective healing by using experientials, role plays, and creative Brainspotting setups. This is an advanced class for those who are Phase 2 trained.
Open to all BSP practitioners!
Phase 1
Week 1 - Outside Window
Week 2 - Inside Window
Week 3 - Gazespotting
Week 4 - Resource Model
Mondays 6:00 - 7:30 PM Central/US Time
$180 USD Early Bird by the 20th the previous month
$200 USD Standard Rate after the 20th
CIT's and Consultants can help facilitate Phase 1 and 2 reivews at no charge.
Email your interest to brainbodyrevolution@gmail.com
You will connect to www.nancytung.com
* Scroll down to see dates & register *
Advanced Review
Phase 2
Week 1 - One Eye BSP
Week 2 - Z Axis and Vergence BSP
Week 3 - Outside-Inside/Rolling BSP
​ Week 4 - Advanced Resource Model
Mondays 6:00 to 8:00 PM Central/US Time
$220 USD Early Bird by the 20th the previous month
$240 USD Standard Rate after the 20th
CIT's and Consultants can first help facilitate Phase 1 reviews then Phase 2 reviews at no charge.
Email your interest to brainbodyrevolution@gmail.com
You will connect to www.nancytung.com
* Scroll down to see dates & register *
Advanced Review
Phase 3
​Pre-requisite: Completion of Brainspotting Phase 3
4 Consecutive Weeks (TBD)
6:00 to 8:00 PM Central/US Time
$220 USD Early Bird by the 20th of month before.
$240 USD Standard Rate after the 20th.
Week 1 - Advanced (Induced) BSP: Doublespotting
Week 2 - Advanced Z Axis, BrainSweeps & Proximity
Week 3 - PartsSpotting
Week 4 - BSP for Performance & Creativity Enhancement
Learning Objectives: After completion of this intermediate training, participants will be able to:
1. Apply the uncertainty principle as it relates to brainspotting.
2. Explain the importance of the client-therapist attunement during brainspotting.
3. Compare and contrast the set ups of Gazespotting and Advanced (induced) Gazespotting or BSP Doublespotting, Z-axis and BrainSweeps and Proximity, PartSpotting, and BSP for Performance and Creativity Enhancement.
4. Differentiate between the activation and resource models of brainspotting.
5. Demonstrate advanced mastery of the use of the Advanced Gazespotting and Double brainspotting technique.
6. Demonstrate advanced mastery of the use of the Advanced Z Axis, Brainsweeps and Proximity brainspotting technique.
7. Demonstrate advanced mastery of the use of Partspotting technique.
8. Demonstrate advanced mastery of the use of BSP for Performance and Creativity Enhancement.​​
Please email your interest to brainbodyrevolution@gmail.com
Advanced Review
Phase 4
​Pre-requisite: Completion of Brainspotting Phase 4 Live training
4 Consecutive Weeks (TBD)
6:00 to 8:00 PM Central/US Time
$220 USD Early Bird by the 20th of month before.
$240 USD Standard Rate after the 20th.
Phase 4 is an advanced, evolved, innovative training in Brainspotting. We will meet for 4 consecutive weeks to review and practice the three different advanced Brainspotting techniques including Dreamspotting, the Expansion Model and Bodyspotting. In the process, we hope to deepen and broaden your understanding of the neuroexperiential aspect of Brainspotting. We will highlight 1 or 2 video analyses of client sessions conducted by both Dr. Grand and those submitted by training participants. We will debrief Dr. Grand's analysis of recorded demos from past training.
Learning Objectives: After completion of this intermediate training, participants will be able to:
Apply the uncertainty principle as it relates to brainspotting.
Explain the importance of the client-therapist attunement during brainspotting.
Integrate Dr. Grand's teachings on the fundamental and advanced understanding of the neuroexperiential aspect of Brainspotting.
Differentiate between the activation and resource models of brainspotting.
Demonstrate advanced mastery of the BSP Expansion Model.
Demonstrate advanced mastery of the use of the DreamSpotting setup frame.
Demonstrate advanced mastery of the BodySpotting setup frame.​
Please email your interest to